Claytonia virginica
(Virginia Spring Beauty)
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Facts About this Plant:
- Common Names: Virginia Spring Beauty, Spring Beauty, Eastern Spring Beauty, Grass-Flower, Fairy Spud
- Lifespan: Perennial
- Zones: 3 - 8
- Type: Forb
- Bloom Time: March - May
- Status: Native
Claytonia virginica, or Virginia Spring Beauty, is native to the entire eastern United States. It is a hardy perennial, which grows from a small bulb. It blooms in early spring with beautiful light pink flowers.
This plant is an ephemeral, which means it blooms early in spring, sets seed and then goes dormant for the rest of the year. This is one of only two eastern species of Claytonia. Fortunately, the two are easy to tell apart. Claytonia virginica has thin, narrow leaves and light pink flowers, while Claytonia caroliniana has broad, wide leaves, and its flowers are more robustly colored with brighter stripes. See the photo below for a comparison.

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